Summer Moods
I love at eventide to walk alone
Down narrow lanes o’erhung with dewy thorn
Where from the long grass underneath the snail
Jet black creeps out and sprouts his timid horn.
I love to muse o’er meadows newly mown
Where withering grass perfumes the sultry air
Where bees search round with sad and weary drone
In vain for flowers that bloomed but newly there,
While in the juicey corn the hidden quail
Cries ‘wet my foot’ and hid as thoughts unborn
The fairy like and seldom-seen land rail
Utters ‘craik craik’ like voices underground
Right glad to meet the evenings dewy veil
And see the light fade into glooms around.
Hi! Just wanted to say you have a lovely blog! Also, I have a tip for you when ordering your coffee at Starbucks or elsewhere and requesting “heavy cream.” Instead order like this: I would like a Grande Breve (breh-vey) Americano or Latte , and they will 100% understand and you will be getting the drink you want 🙂 Breve means cream, so if it’s a Breve Latte, they will use cream in place of the milk they would have used. Take Care! Jamie
Thank you Jamie. I’m going to try ordering a cafe breve next time I’m at Starbucks.