Buy a copy of Sweet Paleo!updated_bookart

It’s finally here! The amazing giveaway I’ve been putting together to celebrate the release of my cookbook Sweet Paleo: Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Delights is up and running. I have some amazing prizes offered, including the Grand Prize: one of Blendtec‘s top-of-the-line blenders and a Twister Jar. Wellbee’s has also graciously provided some of their products, including the same finely ground, blanched almond flour I used while developing the recipes in the book. There are 4 total prize packages – each one made up of great products with several ways to win.

But first, let’s revisit the reason behind the celebration! Sweet Paleo

In my recent post I gave an in-depth look at the book and why I think you will love it, including sample photos. Check out that post for plenty of details on why you will love this book – including how affordable it is!

Photos from the cookbook "Sweet Paleo" by Lea Valle

Finding recipes for special occasions and treats that conform to certain dietary preferences, allergies and/or intolerances can be difficult. So I wanted to use what I have learned over the years to help others who want more healthful options but don’t want to sacrifice taste. I put my heart and soul into this book – doing all the recipe-development, writing and photography. Because I work full time, in addition to having a husband and two boys, the book work was done at night and on weekends. I even used my vacation time to work on Sweet Paleo – even missing out on a beach trip with the family. There were times when I doubted my ability to finish and whether or not I had made the right decision to even take on this huge project! There were times when I thought about throwing in the towel but something inside was driving me forward.

Photos from the cookbook Sweet Paleo by Lea Valle

I remember one particularly exhausting period when I happened to check my blog email and found a message from a mom of a little one-year old boy. She had made my recipe for Chocolate Birthday Cake and wanted to let me know the results. She was raving about how good the cake was, how everyone loved it, including her little guy, and how happy she was to be able to feed him something “safe” on his big day. She even sent a picture of the precious baby with a big smile, and a lot of cake, on his face!

It was messages like hers that kept me going and motivated! And I’m very excited for you all to see the book and try the recipes for yourselves.

THE GIVEAWAY (the giveaway is now over)

I’m really grateful to the amazing sponsors of this giveaway for helping me get the word out about Sweet Paleo. Check out what you can win! Then scroll down to the Rafflecopter Widget which will show all the different ways you can enter.

Prizes – Total Value $980! – 4 Winners (one grand prize winner plus 3 more prize packs)

Opportunities for Multiple Entries

I believe there are many people out there who would love Sweet Paleo and we want to get the word out there.

This giveaway will be open for two full weeks to give everyone a chance to complete all the entries, if they so choose. There are some mandatory entry gates that are easy for anyone with access to a computer. There are other ways to achieve multiple entries and some that can be done daily for even more chances. I greatly appreciate all the help you can give me to spread the word. I hope you love the book. Thank you.

Terms & Conditions are listed in the Rafflecopter Widget. USA only due to shipping restrictions.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Paleo Spirit Giveaway: Win a Blendtec Blender and other prizes: Open through May 4th