This is not a political blog. Paleo Spirit is primarily a food blog that emphasizes the paleo way of eating and a healthy lifestyle that explores ways to improve “fitness” in all areas of our life – mind, body and soul. I want to be welcoming to people of all different persuasions and I know there are some readers who will be turned off at the mere mention of something that falls into the political realm. However, I had an interesting experience that I would like to share. And in my opinion this discussion could be categorized under “mind” because we should all make ourselves as educated as possible in order to navigate effectively in our world.
There is so much that goes on in politics that affects our lives and that includes how much control the government exercises over us. I am a strong believer in freedom and individual responsibility. And one of the ways we can lose freedom is when the government has enough power to tell us how and what to eat. For those of us who have seen and experienced the negative results of following the “Conventional Wisdom” of healthy eating, as espoused by the U.S. government (low-fat, high carb, etc…), we can attest to the fact government does not always know best. And this is not a liberal or conservative issue, it is a life or death issue.
I was motivated to call The Rush Limbaugh Program on March 9th because I heard him quoting, at length, from an article written by heart surgeon Dr. Dwight Lundell. “Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease” In the course of quoting Dr. Lundell, Rush Limbaugh also expressed his view that it is liberal “food activists” who are imploring the government to “step in and save us” by implementing regulations that seek to alter our freedoms by positioning themselves as our “guardians”. Later in his remarks, Mr. Limbaugh pointed out the importance of individual freedom in the realm of dietary choices. I knew I wanted to call the program to let Rush know there are those of us who might consider ourselves “food activists” in a sense and yet do not seek to force our views and dietary decisions on others. We seek to educate and, in some cases, advocate for change in government activities.
Think about whether or not you are in favor of laws banning the sale of raw milk. And note how government subsidies of the corn industry change the marketplace and consider those ramifications. Then there was the recent story of the pre-school girl whose homemade lunch (turkey and cheese sandwich, chips, banana and apple juice) was inspected and deemed unsatisfactory by school officials. This child was forced to purchase the “more nutritious” school lunch which consisted of chicken nuggets! Regardless of your personal views of her homemade lunch, do you really want the government mandating what a child must be fed? Adherents of the paleo diet choose not to eat grains. Do you really like the prospect of the government forcing you to feed your child “whole grains” because it is supposedly “healthier”? I certainly do not!
It is a freedom issue, pure and simple.
To see what prompted my call to the Rush Limbaugh Program you may want to read the text of his remarks the day before. The following is an excerpt of the majority of his comments. (emphasis mine):
RUSH: Now, this health story. The website’s called Signs of the Times, and the story here is by Dr. Dwight Lundell. “Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease.” The upshot of it is that everything that we think we’re doing to promote cardiovascular health is actually contributing to cardiovascular problems. This story prints out six pages. The doctor wrote it. So many times I have mentioned over the years about diet, health, food, how we are being manipulated by government goals, wrong medical ideas. Food activists with a logo and a fax machine putting out bogus information to the media, and they just run with it. As long as it contains “government has to step in to save us,” then they’ll be happy to promote whatever the lying data is.
So what we have here is a heart surgeon who is saying that he and his profession have been wrong for decades. This experiment with statins and low-fat diets has not worked. He says it’s time to move on to another way. I’ll give you some pull quotes before getting to the story. “Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.”
Another pull quote. “The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods now causing an epidemic of inflammation. Mainstream medicine made a terrible mistake when it advised people to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats. We now have an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.”
Another pull quote. “I saw it in over 5,000 surgical patients spanning 25 years who all shared one common denominator — inflammation in their arteries.” Not blockage, inflammation.
Another pull quote. “The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods now causing an epidemic of inflammation. Mainstream medicine made a terrible mistake when it advised people to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats. We now have an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.”
Another pull quote. “Forget the ‘science’ that has been drummed into your head for decades. The science that saturated fat alone causes heart disease is non-existent,” just like the global warming science is non-existent. “The science that saturated fat raises blood cholesterol is also very weak. Since we now know that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, the concern about saturated fat is even more absurd today.” It’s the inflammation, not the cholesterol.
Dr. Dwight Lundell, Signs of the Times. “We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact. I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labeled ‘opinion makers.’ Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol.
“The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.” But it’s not working. “These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly leading to a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated.
“The long-established dietary recommendations have created epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the consequences of which dwarf any historical plague in terms of mortality, human suffering and dire economic consequences. Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.” That’s a stunning statistic, folks….
Back to Dr. Lundell, the heart surgeon. “Statistics from the American Heart Association show that 75 million Americans currently suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 57 million have pre-diabetes. These disorders are affecting younger and younger people in greater numbers every year. Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.
“Inflammation is not complicated — it is quite simply your body’s natural defense to a foreign invader such as a bacteria, toxin or virus. The cycle of inflammation is perfect in how it protects your body from these bacterial and viral invaders. However, if we chronically expose the body to injury by toxins or foods the human body was never designed to process, a condition occurs called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial. What thoughtful person would willfully expose himself repeatedly to foods or other substances that are known to cause injury to the body?
“Well, smokers perhaps, but at least they made that choice willfully. The rest of us have simply followed the recommended mainstream diet that is low in fat and high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, not knowing we were causing repeated injury to our blood vessels. This repeated injury creates chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity,” because it’s the inflammation that retards the passing of cholesterol through the arteries. The inflammation leads to the clogged arteries, not the cholesterol itself. “Let me repeat that,” he says. “The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low-fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.
“Now, this goes against everything we’ve been hearing for the last 30 years. Everything! This doctor is saying that what we’ve been doing to help ourselves is killing us, or facilitating circumstances in which we die prematurely. Okay, so, “What are the biggest,” according to him, “culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods. Take a moment to visualize rubbing a stiff brush repeatedly over soft skin until it becomes quite red and nearly bleeding. You kept this up several times a day, every day for five years. If you could tolerate this painful brushing, you would have a bleeding, swollen infected area that became worse with each repeated injury.
“This is a good way to visualize the inflammatory process that could be going on in your body right now. … While we savor the tantalizing taste of a sweet roll, our bodies respond alarmingly as if a foreign invader arrived declaring war. Foods loaded with sugars and simple carbohydrates, or processed with omega-6 oils for long shelf life have been the mainstay of the American diet for six decades. These foods have been slowly poisoning everyone. … What does all this have to do with inflammation? Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall.
“This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels. While you may not be able to see it, rest assured it is there,” he says. “I saw it in over 5,000 surgical patients spanning 25 years who all shared one common denominator — inflammation in their arteries.” This thing goes on and on. He said, “One tablespoon of corn oil contains 7,280 mg of omega-6;” remember, that’s bad, “soybean contains 6,940 mg. Instead, use olive oil or butter…” How many of you are afraid to eat butter? I’m not. (chuckles) At all. Eat “olive oil or butter from grass-fed beef. Animal fats contain less than 20% omega-6 and are much less likely to cause inflammation than the supposedly healthy oils labeled polyunsaturated.
“Again, this is Dr. Dwight Lundell, and the website is Signs of the Times, and his solution here is eat more protein. “The science that saturated fat alone causes heart disease is non-existent. The science that saturated fat raises blood cholesterol is also very weak. Since we now know that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, the concern about saturated fat is even more absurd today. What you can do is choose whole foods your grandmother served and not those your mom turned to as grocery store aisles filled with manufactured foods.” Now, you can do with this what you want. I’m interested in it because, as you know: Conventional wisdom, I ignore it. I toss it out the window.
It’s groupthink. Conventional wisdom is set by liberals. It’s set by the Democrat Party, set by the media. And it’s all aimed at making victims of every one of us. It’s all aimed at making sheep out of all of us. And in the case of food, look at this week alone. It’s all aimed at them putting themselves in charge of it. We’ve got Michelle Obama trying to set diets for schools. You got federal agents commandeering lunches brought from home prepared by mothers and telling the little four-year-old, “Sorry, that’s no good. You can’t eat that.” We had a story this week from a recent college graduated authorette claiming that food is the only area, it’s the last remaining place where the government doesn’t have any say-so in the distribution of the product-to-market.
Of course she was making the case, “We gotta get the government involved,” because she cited all the unfairness and all of the lack of quality in, say, the vegetable section at the grocery store at Wal-Mart. And by definition, that’s racist. Yes, it’s racist, and it’s discrimination against the poor. The poor are getting all the leftovers. The poor are always being denied access to the finest foods. So there’s a big push on, and there has been for my whole life and yours, to empower the federal government to take over as much of day-to-day life (including the decision-making) as they can get their arms around.
And how do they do it? Everything’s based on fear. “You’re gonna die if you keep doing this, you’re gonna get sick if you keep doing that. You’re gonna destroy the planet if you keep driving that car.” It’s a never-ending assault, and they focus on health ’cause everybody wants to be healthy, and they’re positioning themselves as your guardians. And I guarantee you, like everything else: You lose your freedom, you lose your freedom.
When I heard Mr. Limbaugh make these remarks I knew I needed to call his program. It was absolutely astonishing to hear him advocating these things and even touting the benefits of grass-fed beef and butter. The “holy grail” of the paleosphere! I wanted to let him know there are many of us who believe what Dr. Lundell is saying is true. We do not buy into the Conventional Wisdomand have seen the changes in our own lives doing things differently. But we are not necessarily trying to force others to do it our way by getting the government involved. On the contrary, many of us are trying to educate others and eat the foods that we believe are best for us and our families. We want freedom and we do not want the government telling us what to do in this area.
The following is a transcript of my conversation with Rush Limbaugh on his radio program.
“Food Activist” or Freedom Fighter
RUSH: Lea in Peapack, New Jersey. Thank you for calling. Great to have you here. Hi.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. I was in the audience at your CPAC speech and I’ve been a student at the Limbaugh Institute since 1990 when I was just a skull full of mush.
RUSH: Well, thank you very much.
CALLER: I’m very excited to talk to you. This is the first time I’ve been motivated to call. I was so excited to hear you yesterday quoting from the article by the heart surgeon regarding the real root cause of heart disease.
RUSH: Hm-hm.
CALLER: I’ve heard you lamenting for a long time the government involvement in food and how they dictate to us how to eat and I just wanted to let you know a couple things. There are not only liberal food activists out here. There are many of us who reject the idea that the government should be meddling in our food and telling us how to eat, and I’ve gotten involved in what’s known as the real food movement, and specifically the Paleo Diet, which actually tells you to eat essentially the opposite of the way the government has been dictating to us for many years.
RUSH: Now, you call yourself a food activist?
CALLER: Well, I guess in a way I feel that I am because I’ve seen the truth of what the government tells people in terms of what they should be eating and the disaster that has happened to people. And I’ve seen the difference in my own health and my own life eating essentially the opposite way.
RUSH: Well, I like exploring language. You’re a regular listener and you know words mean things to me, and I live in Realville.
CALLER: Yes, I do.
RUSH: The word activist, just by itself, to me implies leftist, liberalism.
CALLER: Exactly. I understand that.
RUSH: So you are doing what you’re doing in response to the government. You’re not engaged in activity demanding, forcing, humiliating, guilting, or whatever other people to do what you do, and you’re not —
RUSH: — asking the government to use the force of their power to do it. You’re simply trying to contradict what you think is propaganda coming from the government, right?
CALLER: Exactly.
RUSH: Okay.
CALLER: Exactly.
RUSH: Well, when you call yourself a food activist, you might confuse people. They might think that you’re active in telling other people how to live.
CALLER: No, I agree with you, and that could be right. I think the reason I use that word is because when you were speaking yesterday, you were talking about the people on the left and how they want the government to tell us how to eat and all that, and I thought, well, that is true, there are a lot of those people that do that, and I’ve seen the results of that. But there are a lot of people who I’ve seen, at least in the paleosphere that I call it, who tend toward liberalism, but because they’ve seen their health improve by doing the opposite of what the government has been saying, have started to question that whole paradigm. They think maybe the government should be telling us what to do, but wait a minute, this has not been working. And I find it’s interesting because I’m a conservative and I end up dealing with a lot of people who are otherwise liberal and I see them start to change their thinking based on their own life experience.
RUSH: Well, that’s great. You know what you’re doing? You’re doing the job the media used to do. You’re doing the job that the media should be. The media loves to say that they speak truth to power. That means holding the powerful accountable. They have abandoned that for half of the powerful. If you are a liberal Democrat powerful person, you are not gonna be held accountable, and you’re not gonna be suspected and nobody’s gonna investigate you. Your motives aren’t gonna be questioned. But if you’re Republican it’s the exact opposite. What you’re doing in simply standing up, wait a second, why should we just automatically believe this because the government says so? Who is the government? You’re doing the job the media used to. And I’m happy to hear that people are reacting to what you’re doing.
CALLER: Oh, yeah. And I think it’s really a freedom issue. And people are starting to realize, wait a minute —
RUSH: Damn well is. You’re exactly right. That’s exactly what it is.
CALLER: You know, there are all these laws against raw milk, but yet the government will dictate to us other things. So it just doesn’t make any sense. I do think it is eye opening to people, and I guess in terms of being an activist, it is more about information. I want to get the information out there that the government involvement and intrusion and subsidies and certain industries —
RUSH: Right.
CALLER: — has caused a lot of problems in people’s own health, and people need to understand that. They need their own freedom. They don’t need the government meddling and telling them what to eat.
RUSH: Exactly right. Look Lea, if you want to call yourself and activist, you go ahead. It’s a nitpick thing with me, but you’re a reactionary in this case, which also carries a negative connotation, by the way, which it shouldn’t. You’re simply reacting. You’re minding your own business one day and the government starts telling you how you must do this or that, you say, “Wait a minute, why?” You’re reacting to it. You’re refusing to swallow it per se, and so you’re standing up for freedom, exactly what you’re doing. A freedom fighter is really what you are.
So clearly I am one of Rush’s fans. Perhaps some of you will judge me harshly for that. A few people have “unliked” my Paleo Spirit Facebook page as a result. But I have to be who I am and the truth is The Rush Limbaugh Program has 20 million listeners per week. Regardless of your own political views, or your opinion of the host, I hope you will agree it is important this type of information is getting out to the mainstream. I love the moniker Rush gave me – “freedom fighter”. And that term could apply to many of my fellow health bloggers and anyone else who supports individual liberty!
I look forward to getting comments but I will not approve comments that are unnecessarily inflammatory or veer off into personal attacks.
Thanks for stopping by.
Lea, I heard you on the Rush program and could not agree more. I am and will continue to be a fan of your website. I actually found it doing a search for coconut flour pancakes, which were delicious by the way. But the more I read your posts, the more I like it. By the way, when will your 3rd instalment on excercise and idolatry come out. I really enjoyed the first two.
Thanks Mike. It’s great to hear from like-minded people. I’m so glad you are enjoying the posts here. My plan was to do part 3 last Sunday but I ended up with a sinus infection and wasn’t able to finish it the way I planned. This week I’ll be in Austin, TX at the Paleo FX Symposium and will probably post about that and THEN get back to Part 3. So sorry for the delay. But it’s really great to hear that you enjoyed the other two. Some people unsubscribed when I started those posts so I wasn’t sure how it was going over. Your comment is very encouraging!
Hi Lea,
What an awesome conversation you had with Rush! I think it’s great. Freedom Fighter, indeed!! 🙂
I too found your blog by searching for paleo recipes. Thank you for posting them. I, for one, really appreciate it. My husband and I are new to this Paleo lifestyle and are both such believers in it. Do you have any tips on how to enjoy a Paleo lifestyle, feeding a family of 6 and on a tight budget?? 🙂 I know there is so much information out there, I just need to be able to find it!
By the way, your chocolate chip bon bons were delicious!! I left off the cocoa powder and it was great that way too!!!
God bless!!
It’s a bit of a rough week to come out as a fan of Rush so I appreciate your support.
My advice on feeding six for less is to not get too caught up in “organic” and “grass-fed” foods if it is out of your budget. There is what is “perfect” and there is what is possible. Try to stick with eating foods in season. And I try to buy meat on sale and at places like Costco. I also make larger batches of food so my husband can take leftovers to work rather than eating out. We used to eat out a lot more and now I cook at home much more -that saves money. It does take some planning (not my strong suit) and more time in the kitchen. But I have found it gets easier as you get a good repertoire of recipes. Oh, and eggs are pretty inexpensive. We eat a lot of eggs. I usually buy mine from a nearby farmer. It would be good if you could find a farmer to sell you a side of grass-fed beef and store it in a freezer. It’s a big outlay of money up front but saves money in the long-run.
You eat the Bon-bons the way my seven year old likes them! BTW, you have a lovely family. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Best wishes.
Fabulous write-up, Lea. You write very well, and when I heard you on Rush’s show, I was nearly certain you were a “plant” (as I said elsewhere). I’m not sure I would have found you had Jimmy Moore not mentioned the ‘media attention’ Dr. Lundell’s article had garnered.
Thank you Sharon. That’s funny you thought I might be a “plant”. I have tried to call him a couple of times before over the years but never REALLY tried to get through until this subject. I certainly would never want to be considered a “seminar caller”. 🙂 Jimmy is great. I really appreciate his support. I hope to be able to meet him in person this week when we are both in Austin, TX for the Paleo FX seminar.
I am such a HUGE fan of yours! You are not afraid to speak the truth and you do it in a beautiful way! I think the reason our country is in this mess is because so many of us were afraid to offend anyone so we fell silent. True tolerance is engaging in a discussion of different viewpoints respectfully. It is not to bully those that are not like-minded into believing what you believe. I don’t “do” Facebook and one reason is the awful bashing that goes on between those with differing political views. While I am not a fan of Rush, I respect your choice to be one! BTW, I’m jealous you got to go to CPAC. I would love to go and meet those working hard to keep our country what it was created to be. God bless you!
Yes, tolerance seems to be hard to come by these days. Thanks for respecting my choice to listen to Rush. I have learned a lot from him about using critical thinking. And I love the arena of ideas and discussing all kinds of topics with people of different viewpoints if it can be done in a respectful way.
I wondered if you were the lady I heard on Rush! I am so excited to stumble on your site. I love that you have that Bible verse about God telling Noah he could now eat meat. Our pastor has been doing a very compelling series on Genesis and I just heard him use that verse a couple of weeks ago. I never knew that we could not eat meat until after the flood. Thanks for all you are doing! I am just starting this journey. My 30 days begins tomorrow and I am hoping this will help me. I suppose hearing you on Rush convinced me that maybe this was God’s answer for me to help me with my health. I have to do something! Thanks!!!
I have had such a good experience in terms of my health eating this way. But the focus on evolution that I found on other Paleo/primal blogs prompted me to start this blog. I wanted to share the information from a Christian perspective to be able to reach people who might otherwise not give the dietary changes a chance. I prefer to think of it as eating the way we were “created” to eat rather than how we “evolved ” to eat.
It can be challenging to implement and I encourage you to not get discouraged if it doesn’t fall into place right away. Best wishes and please let me know how it goes.
I love this post!! I’m so glad I stumbled onto your website. I found it through Dessert Stalker. My husband and I are paleo/primal and I agree with everything you’ve said in your post. I only wish I could get my parents to embrace some of the information. Sadly, I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Thanks, Becky. I guess I should try to post more on Dessert Stalker! Isn’t that a great site?! It can be difficult for the older crowd to embrace new ideas, even though, in this case, it is really an OLD idea. You never know what can happen. I was happy to hear Rush talking about this because of the size of his audience. Imagine all those people hearing him talking about the benefits of grass-fed beef and how Omega-6 fats lead to inflammation. If Paleo can go more mainstream we have a better chance of getting people to change their eating habits for the better – including our parents.
I don’t like Rush but I do like “freedom fighters” way to go!!
great info!
Thank you. No need to like Rush to be glad more people are hearing the truth on this stuff. Thanks for the comment!
Lea, you are a freedomfighter! I enjoyed your conversation with Rush. Regulation usually means corruption to one degree or another, informed consumers making free choices will guide the market and make a healthier world, the standard dietary reccomendations certanly have not.
Dr. Lundell,
I am honored you took the time to comment here. I could not agree more about the beauty of a free market and the unfortunate consequences of the current dietary recommendations and regulations. So many people want to be and make efforts to be healthier but have been given very flawed advice. My late father was a physician and, as such, I have tremendous respect for your profession. What you are doing in terms of sharing your knowledge and experience is bound to make a major difference in the lives of many people. The added boost of publicity from Rush’s popular program can only mean good things for the dissemination of this vitally important information. All the best to you.
Well isn’t that silly (or sad) that people “unliked” you due to the Rush thing. I am no Rush fan, that’s for sure, but to each his own. I also found your website searching for a coconut cream pie recipe—which I have yet to make! 🙂 You are right about food being what really gets some peoples’ attention about too much government control/interference in their lives. That was how it worked for me. I was your typical liberal Democrat. I was in a book store last May and happened to see Everyday Paleo by Sarah Fragoso when I was looking in the cookbook section. I became instantly fascinated with the paleo lifestyle and began to seriously read/research food. My husband and I like to say we drank the Kool-Aid! But what a difference it’s made in our lives. And through that, I’ve discovered how detrimental government involvement has been. I now consider myself a libertarian and I find that a lot of the paleo/primal folks are libertarians. Since God gave us free will to choose Him, I believe we all should have the freedom to make our own life choices when they do not harm others. Keep up the blogging. You’re great!
I enjoyed reading this transcript and I was impressed with the way you “spoke your truth in love”. Good job. I’m still following!
Thanks Mary, It was fun talking to him and I’m glad I didn’t totally freeze up and forget what I wanted to say. I really appreciate your words of encouragement.
I actually am a HUGE Rush fan, although I don’t get to hear him much as I work days. Occasionally I put on headphones and listen via internet while I work. It sounds like you had a great conversation. I enjoy reading your bog, too. It’s nice to know that not all Paleo people are liberal and non Christian, but I imagine we are the rare ones.
Hi Venjeana,
Nice to hear from you. I think there are more like us than we may think and I hope they can find us here! If nothing else I would like to spread the word about eating and living this way to more people regardless of their religious or political persuasion. It’s definitely nice to find like-minded people as well.
FYI, if you have a way to download his podcasts that might be an option to listen more. I’m not sure if you have to be a member of the Rush 24/7 thing or not.
Lea, you are a freedom fighter. I’m just researching the whole Paleo thing and I came across your blog looking for recipes. Love what you’re doing. They say you can’t fight city hall, then there’s folks like you! Problem is decades of misunderstood concepts regarding our health promoted by government have caused a forest of confusion for us all. Our American way of life has disintegrated to where we can’t think straight or even think for ourselves anymore. How could we ever have missed the concept of eating naturally. Duh? We all need voices like yours so the little lightbulb can go on in our heads. I’m not saying I can change the way I eat today, only that I know more about it thanks to you and others like the good Doctor. Bless you.